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Help Menu and Database information

  • How to display the help menu.

    The next help menu will be displayed if '?' is inputted in the interactive environment.

    pgbash> ?
      ?u        : list database USERs
      ?l        : list DATABASEs
      ?d  [rel] : list RELATIONs for table/view/index/sequence
      ?d{t|i|v} : list TABLEs/INDEXes/VIEWs
      ?dp       : list PERMISSIONs 
      ?ds       : list SEQUENCEs
      ?m        : show CONNECTION NAMEs
      ?o        : show current values of exec_sql_OPTIONs
      ?s        : show STATUS after executing SQL
      ?v        : show PostgreSQL and pgbash VERSION

  • Reserved words of SQL.

    The next reserved words will be displayed if '??h' is inputted in the interactive environment.

    pgbash> ??h
    # HELP: Command Name List:
        ABORT                     ALTER GROUP               ALTER TABLE
        ALTER USER                ANALYZE                   BEGIN
        CHECKPOINT                CLOSE                     CLUSTER

  • Syntax of SQL

    If you want to know the syntax of SQL, please input '??h RESERVED_WORD'. For example, '??h "create table"'.

    pgbash> ??h "crete table"
      # SQL command: CREATE TABLE
        Description: Creates a new table
        Syntax :
        CREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] TABLE table_name (
            { column_name type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]
    	| table_constraint }  [, ... ]
    	) [ INHERITS ( inherited_table [, ... ] ) ]

  • How to display the database information in the interactive environment

    If you want to know the database information, please input the next command.

       ?u        : list database USERs
       ?l        : list DATABASEs
       ?d  [rel] : list RELATIONs for table/view/index/sequence
       ?d{t|i|v} : list TABLEs/INDEXes/VIEWs
       ?dl       : list LARGE_OBJECTs
       ?dp       : list PERMISSIONs 
       ?ds       : list SEQUENCEs
       ?dA       : list AGGREGATEs
       ?dD [obj] : list DESCRIPTIONs for table/type/function/operator
       ?dF       : list FUNCTIONs
       ?dO       : list OPERATORs
       ?dS       : list SYSTEM_TABLEs
       ?dT       : list data_TYPEs
       _lo_list  : list large_object

    pgbash> ?u
    [ List of user names ]
     Username | SupperUser | CreateDB
     postgres | yes        | yes
     admin    | no         | yes
     pgbash   | no         | yes
    (3 rows)
    pgbash> ?l
    [ List of databases ]
     Name      | Owner    | Encoding
     admin     | postgres | EUC_JP
     postgres  | postgres | EUC_JP
     template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
     template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
     test      | postgres | SQL_ASCII
    (5 rows)
    pgbash> ?d
    [ List of relations ]
     Name            | Type     | Owner
     member          | table    | postgres
     member_log      | table    | postgres
     member_log_view | view     | postgres
     member_passwd   | table    | postgres
     member_seq      | sequence | postgres
     test            | table    | postgres
    (6 rows)
    pgbash> ?d member
    [ "member" data definitions ]
     Attribute | Type                        | NotNull  | Default
     userid    | integer                     | not null |
     kind      | character varying(12)       |          | '*'
     staff     | character varying(24)       |          | ''
     name      | character varying(32)       | not null |
     zip       | character(8)                |          | '000-0000'
     address1  | character varying(64)       | not null |
     address2  | character varying(64)       |          |
     tel       | character varying(16)       | not null |
     email     | character varying(64)       |          |
     org       | character varying(128)      |          |
     new_date  | date                        |          | 'now'
     up_date   | timestamp(6) with time zone |          | 'now'
    (12 rows) 
    PrimaryKey: member_pkey
    Unique Key: member_tel
    Index  Key: member_email
    Index  Key: member_name
    Attribute : member_kind
    Constrain : (((kind = '*'::"varchar") OR (kind = 'net'::"varchar")) OR 
                  (kind = 'post'::"varchar"))
    Attribute : member_zip
    Constrain : ((zip >= '000-0000'::bpchar) AND (zip <= '999-9999'::bpchar))
    Rule      : member_rule
    Trigger   : RI_ConstraintTrigger_118843
    Trigger   : RI_ConstraintTrigger_118845

  • How to display the database information in the shell script

    You can use the functions defined by 'pgbashrc'.

    Function nameInteractiveComment
    _list_users ?u list database USERs
    _list_databases ?l list DATABASEs
    _list_relations ?d list RELATIONs
    _list_relation ?d [rel] list RELATION for tbl/view/idx/seq
    _list_tables ?dt list TABLEs
    _list_indexes ?di list INDEXes
    _list_views ?dv list VIEWs
    _list_sequences ?ds list SEQUENCEs
    _list_permissions ?dp list PERMISSIONs
    _list_lobjects ?dl list LARGE_OBJECTs
    _list_aggregates ?dA list AGGREGATEs
    _list_descriptions ?dD list DESCRIPTIONs
    _list_description ?dD [obj] list DESCRIPTION for tbl/typ/func/ope
    _list_functions ?dF list FUNCTIONs
    _list_operators ?dO list OPERATORs
    _list_systables ?dS list SYSTEM_TABLEs
    _list_types ?dT list data_TYPEs
    _lo_list _lo_list list large_object

    source /etc/pgbashrc
    # ------- Connect to the database --------
    CONNECT TO postgres;
    _show_connection  .......... Status in connecting the database
    # ------ Rows and columns of retrieval results -------
    SELECT * FROM test2 ;
    echo "nFields=$SQLNFIELD  FieldName=${SQLFIELDNAME[0]} .."
    # ------ Database information --------
    _list_databases  ............ Database list
    _list_tables  ............... Table list
    _list_indexes ............... Index list

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